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Neem The Tree That solves Global Problems

Neem’s Origin:


Neem is another one of natures gifts that is mainly cultivated in the subcontinente of India. Neem is a member of mahogany family Meliaceae. Its Also know as the botanical name Azadriachta indica

Neem has been used for thousands of years by humans for a multitude of things including

  1. Skin Conditions like zits, eczema, psoriasis.
  2. mouth care with teeth cleanings and mouth wash’s.
  3. anti fungal uses like washes for athletes foot, and ring worm.
  4. dandruff.

And many more uses. So many that books have been written covering the benefits of neem and all its products for human and animal use.

Neem Tree can provide animal feed to help their immune system. As well as a wash for skin issues!

Every part of the neem tree can be used for one application or another it is so expansive.

The latinized name of neem, Azadirachta indica, is derived from the Persian. Azad means “free”; dirakht means “tree”; indica-Hind means “of Indian origin”. Hence it literally means “the free tree of India”1.

The neem tree is an incredible plant that has been declared the “Tree of the 21st century” by the United Nations2.

The US National Academy of Science published a report in 1992 entitled “Neem: A tree for solving global problems”3.

What Neem Contains


These biochemical components include azadirachtin, nimbolinin, nimbin, nimbidin, nimbidol, nimbanene, nimbandiol, nimbolide, sodium nimbinate, gedunin, salannin, quercetin, 6-desacetylnimbinene, ascorbic acid, n-hexacosanol and amino acid, 7-desacetyl-7-benzoylazadiradione, 7-desacetyl-7-benzoylgedunin, 17-hydroxyazadiradione, ß-sitosterol, and polyphenolic flavonoids.

Among The Most studied Azadirachtin

Azadirachtin is similar to Neem Oil in that it is derived from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), but lacks the fungicidal properties of neem oil. Initially found to inhibit desert locust feeding, Azadirachtin is now known to affect a broad spectrum of over 200 insect species including AphidsMealybugsCaterpillarsJapanese BeetleWhitefliesMitesRoot Aphids and ThripsAzadirachtin’s primary mode of action is as an anti-feedant, but it also disrupts normal insect growth/molting, repels larvae and adults, sterilizes adults and deters egg laying.

Azadirachtin products can be preferred by some due to their compatibility with a wide range of Insecticides and Biocontrols, such as the beneficial fungus Beauveria bassiana. With no re-entry restrictions Azadirachtin allows for use in a variety of settings and breaks down rapidly after application, minimizing unwanted effects on the environment. Alternating Azadirachtin applications with other insecticides provides variable control with less risk of insects developing resistance.


nitrogen 2-3%, phosphorus 1% and potassium 1.4%. It also contains 1.0-1.5% tannic acid and has the highest sulphur content of 1.07 – 1.36% among the oil cakes.

Amino Acids

Amino acids

Fatty Acids

Fatty acids composition: The fatty acid composition (table-4) shows the presence of nine fatty acids, including four major ones. These are oleic acid (41.91±0.69%), followed by linoleic acid (19.59±0.44%), stearic acid (18.71±0.46%) and palmitic acid (15.59±0.27%). This high linoleic and oleic acid proportion is noted in Jatropha oil23. The fatty acid profile is comparable to those presented in the literature20,9. Indeed, the ratio unsaturated/saturated fatty acids, being at about 60%, confirms the unsaturated behavour of the oil.


Amino acids

Using Neem In The Garden

Different Forms Of Neem:

Neem Cake:

Neem Cake

Neem Cake has a bit of Neem Oil Left in it from the cold pressing of the neem seed therefore has more of the active ingredients in it for pest prevention.

Neem Meal:

Neem Meal

Neem Meal is great as an soil amendment but does have less of the active ingredients if you were going to make a decoctions or liquid spray for pests. This is because Neem Meal is is neem cake that has been striped of most the oils with and alcohol wash.

Neem Oil:

Neem Oil

Neem oil is best when cold pressed from the neem seed allowing for the least amount of break down of all the great things that are in a neem seed. I use Neem Seed Oil for pest and disease resistance during vegetative growth. I only spray when absolutely needed in bloom with a Jadam wetting agent or Organisheild which degrade much faster that the active ingredients in Neem oil.

Growing Neem

Neem trees aren’t hard to grow they tolerate wide ranges of temperature’s and grow fast. unfortunately they don’t like freezing Temps for long period of time. If they freeze they will shed all their leaves. They are a great tree to consider for a canopy tree in a permaculture food forest providing many benefits along with a great wind block especially when your in a more temperate climate that doesn’t freeze.

Great Example Of Growing Neem In The U.S.

More Info On Growing Neem

Where to get Neem

Neem Leaf Great For Worm Bins


Neem Has Been Used For thousands Of Years :

Great Books: